Hemmroids, most commonly known as Hemorrhoids (the proper term) are abnormally large sacs of varicose veins, tissue and mucous membranes in the rectum. Hemmroids is also one of the most common anorectal disorders affecting approximately 5% of the entire population. So that's about 336 million people suffering from hemmroids as of September 2008.

Hemmroid's most common symptoms are : Presence of blood in the stool, Feeling of obstruction caused by swollen veins in the anus, Protruding lumps hanging from the anus, Itching and inflammation around the anus.

Hemmroid causes : includes long periods of sitting or standing, lifting heavy objects, dehydration, obesity and lack of exercise, but without a doubt the largest factor is constipation and straining during defecation which resulted from poor eating habits and diet. Hemmroids often develop during pregnancy because of the pressure the fetus exerts in the abdominal area, as well as the hormonal changes that cause the veins to enlarge. Stress is another cause of hemmroid.

Hemmroid Diagnosis/Test : It is diagnosed based on a rectal examination. To diagnose internal hemmroids, the doctor will insert an anoscope , a thin, lighted tube to view the lower rectum. A colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy may also be performed to examine the inside of the colon and rule out any other causes of bleeding.

4:59 AM

Hemmroid Cure

hemmroid|hemmroids cure picHemmroid cure is the very first thing that pops into peoples head whenever symptoms of hemmroids starts showing. Their first thought is to find the best, famous and tested hemmroid cure and treatment. Although it is known that there are number of reasons which triggers painful hemmroid attacks, it is not totally understood why hemmroids enlarged or descend. Constipation may be considered the main cause of the formation of hemmroids. Other known causes includes pregnancy, poor fiber intake, prolonged sitting and straining, dehydration and lack of physical exercise, obesity. The majority of people who experienced hemmroid attacks is within the peak age of 45 to 65.

Most Hemmroid cure and treatments call for simple steps you can do on your own. But of course, doctors would recommend the right medication or procedures when the need arises. Also, the length of the treatment and hemmroid cure depends on the size and severity of the hemmroid.

The best hemmroid cure done at home should include a combination of remedies. At the onset of external bleeding or pain, you should address the external and internal cause of the attack for the best and quickest cure.

Hemmroid cure for starters, you should increase your water intake for 6-8 glasses a day and should increase fibrous food in your diet. Fibers in food retains water and adds to the bulk, softness, and weight of stool - all factors in easing strain. Good sources of fiber include apples, bananas, baked beans, cooked broccoli, cabbage and carrots, canned com, fresh peaches, cooked peas, pears, strawberries, and cereals. Along with this increase you should ingest a stool softener or herbal home remedy.

Using pads or wipes that are medicated are the best and most immediate relief after a defecating. For hemmroids that are causing mild discomfort, ointments, pads, and creams will do. Anti-inflammatory agents with hydrocortisone can also be recommended.

When hemmroid cure such as herbal remedies and homes treatments fail to cure or even alleviate bleeding, pain, and swelling associated with a hemmroid attack, it may be best to consider seeking more serious medical means of hemmroid cures by consulting a physician. Prescription medicines, and several medical procedures such as surgery might be suggested.

4:31 AM

Symptoms of Hemmroids

Symptoms of Hemmroids picSymptoms of hemmroids needed to be recognized for early treatment because in any form hemmroids brings you pain, discomfort and even bleeding. They often go unnoticed and usually healed up after a few days, but in most cases, hemmroid symptoms eventually return, often worse than they were before. Fortunately, hemmroids usually are not dangerous or life threatening, can be treated easily, and may be prevented and be treated in many cases. Since the condition of hemmroid almost always tends to get worse - Safe, gentle, and effective treatment for hemmroid is advised as soon as they occur.

Although many people have hemmroids, not all experience hemmroid symptoms. So just in case you did not feel any pain or discomfort, how will you know you have hemmroid? In most cases, there is bleeding and any blood in the stools or toilet tissue should immediately be referred to a doctor so the condition will be diagnosed properly.

But most of the time, symptoms of hemmroids are very much noticeable. Those who suffer from hemmroid often experience acute pain, itching, irritation, bleeding or spotting around the anus, and discomfort during and after discharge. Other symptoms are a sensation of fullness, usually described as feeling the urge to have a bowel movement even when there is no stool. Straining worsens the discomfort. In extreme cases, internal hemmroids can protrude and usually cause painless bleeding at the end of a bowel movement and external ones can develop blood clots.

The amount of pain and discomfort really depends on how severe the hemmroids are, but regardless of how noticeable your hemmroids symptoms is, it is strongly recommended that you have to deal and treat the problem immediately. You need to have this checked to rule out the possibility of other causes intestinal bleeding aside from hemmroid. Hemmroid may not be life-threatening but living with hemmroid is not fun. it's uncomfortable and very painful. And so to speak, its quite shameful.

4:10 AM

What are Hemmroids

what are hemmroids picHemmroid|Hemmroids are abnormally large sacs of varicose veins, tissue and mucous membranes in the rectum. It is a dilated or bulging veins of the rectum and anus, caused by increased pressure in the rectal veins. Hemmroids also refer to small lumps that occur in the anus and lower part of the rectum as a result of swelling of the veins within the rectum. Hemmroid swelling is due to weakening and thinning of vein walls and their inability to sustain pressure which resulted to burning feeling, itching, and feelings of discomfort and pain.

Types of Hemmroids

    External Hemmroid - common symptoms of internal hemmroid are itching and burning and pain. Streaks of blood may appear on toilet paper during bowel movements. Because of these unpleasant symptoms, external hemorrhoids get the most treatment attention.
    Internal Hemmroid - it usually don't hurt or itch and you can't feel them because they are deep inside the rectum. Internal hemorrhoids are pretty harmless. Common symptoms are rectal bleeding and intense pain but internal hemmroid often protrude and clot.
Hemmroid Treatment|Hemmroids Relief

    • Sit in warm water regularly .
    • Stool softeners also help reduce straining and constipation.
    • Use ice packs to relieve swelling.
    • Avoid toilet tissue with perfumes or colors.
    • Clean rectal area gently and do not scratch. Try using moist toilet pads or baby wipes in cleaning
    • Avoid harsh soap in cleaning , this will intensify the irritation
    • Wear cotton undergarments.
    • Apply creams or numbing ointment to the affected area.
    • Try to avoid sitting and standing for a long period of hours to avoid are pushed down and pressure on your rectal area.
Hemmroids Causes

    Hemmroids causes includes long periods of sitting or standing, lifting heavy objects, dehydration, obesity and lack of exercise, hereditary but without a doubt the largest and most common factor is constipation and straining during defecation which resulted from poor eating habits and diet. Hemmroids often develop during pregnancy because of the pressure the fetus exerts in the abdominal area, as well as the hormonal changes that cause the veins to enlarge and obesity. Stress is another cause of hemmroid.
Hemmroids Diagnosis/Test

    Hemmroid is diagnosed based on a rectal examination. To diagnose internal hemmroids, the doctor will insert an anoscope, a thin, lighted tube to view the lower rectum. A colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy may also be performed to examine the inside of the colon and rule out any other causes of bleeding. As with any disease, a thorough diagnosis is significant to be able to accurately determine the appropriate treatment needed by the patient suffering from hemroids. In this case, a doctor will have to check the anus and rectum for any swollen blood vessels and with a lubricated gloved hand perform a digital rectal exam for other abnormalities. A lighted hollow tube called an anoscope is likewise used to view internal hemorrhoids while a proctoscope may be used for a more precise examination of the entire rectum.
2:44 AM

Internal Hemmroids

internal hemmroids picWhat is Internal Hemmroids?

Internal Hemmroids is one type of Hemmroid. There are two types of hemmroid based on location, and one is internal hemmroid. Internal hemmroids affects the internal rectal region and often can’t be seen or felt. As this form is typically painless, the only symptoms you may notice is the presence of mucos and amounts of bright red blood on your toilet paper or inside the toilet bowl or a feeling of fullness following a bowel movement with intense pain. And lastly, Internal Hemmroid often protrude and clot thus it also requires internal hemmroids treatment to alleviate the pain or to avoid from getting worse.

Occasionally, internal hemmroids can push through the anal opening. Internal hemmroids are caused mainly due to the strain experienced when passing stool and you can feel the occurrence of internal hemmroids within the rectum area. It is usually harmless and they may bleed painlessly.

At times, internal hemmroids enlarge to the extent that the lumps come out of the anus. This stage is known as Prolapsed Internal Hemmroids, or protruding hemmroids. Sometimes these swollen veins remain prolapsed temporarily; others, they become permanent. Internal hemmroid usually don't hurt or itch and you can only feel them because they are deep inside the rectum. Although internal hemmroids are quite harmless but since their bleeding could mask blood from a dangerous source like colorectal cancer, therefore internal hemmroid treatment should be applied as soon as possible and must consult the physician proper application.

For internal hemmroids that don't respond to self-care remedies, there are some other techniques to alleviate the pain and discomfort the hemmroid brings.

Internal Hemmroids Ttreatment

    Rubber band ligation is probably the most and commonly used treatments for internal hemmroids. An applicator is used to place one or two small rubber bands around the base of the hemmroid to cut off its blood supply. Because internal hemmroid are located in a part of the anus that does not sense pain, anesthetic is unnecessary and the procedure is painless in most cases. Although there can be minor discomfort and bleeding for a few days after the bands are applied, complications are rare and most people are soon able to return to work and other activities.

    Infrared coagulation - Infrared beam is used to burn off some tissues to cut off the blood supply to the hemmroid. This causes the internal hemmroids to shrink, since the blood does not flow through the coagulated blood vessels. Although it's advertised as pain-free, many patients complain of intense pain during treatment

    Hemorrhoidectomy - A surgical procedure that removes the internal hemmroids, removing the hemmroid groups in the anal canal, and is performed with a scalpel, cautery device or laser. Statistics have shown that this treatment may cause incontinence later in life so it is recommended only for severe cases. Many patients complain of intense pain during recovery, so it should be the last resort.

Therefore, if you are suffering from internal hemmroids and don’t want to undergo such painful internal hemmroid surgery or want to avoid occurrence of internal Hemmroids, it is always advisable to follow healthy dietary tips. Additional intake of fibrous food and drinking plenty of fluids will give you temporary relief from internal hemmroids pain and will help in reducing the possibility of getting internal hemmroids worse.

1:00 AM

Bleeding Hemmroids

BleedingHemmroidsorHemmroidBleeding picBleeding Hemmroids can be either internal or external hemmroid and it is considered to be the most terrible form of Hemmroids. For those who suffer from bleeding hemmroids for the first time, it can be a scary and bloody experience. Therefore, whenever you experience rectal bleeding, it is recommended to be evaluated by a qualified physician and given prompt treatment before the condition becomes worse.

Bleeding hemmroids is caused by blockage of blood in the rectal area. The veins found in the rectal area started to get enlarge and reach to a point wherein they can no longer resist the pressure of the blocked blood thus resulted to oozing of fresh red blood in the stools, in the toilet bowl and toilet paper. Because when you sit, the veins is pressed that is why you experience pain in the rectum. This pressure on the veins will results to a bleeding hemmroid.

Constipation and straining are main causes of bleeding hemmroids. This becomes worse when passing a very large and hard stool resulted to bleeding due to scraping when hard stool is being forced out. Whenever you notice red streaks in the stool, you must consult your physician to get it clinically investigated.

Both internal and external bleeding hemmroid respond to home treatments you can do on your own. Go for a long walk everyday and have extra physical exercise. Increase the fiber content in your diet and make sure your diet includes vegetables, especially a lot of greens and fruits - remember, whole fruits, not just the juice . Taking a fibrous diet helps in reducing constipation and may give you temporary relief from bleeding hemmroids. Make it a habit to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Do not lift heavy objects because this will worsen the condition.

Whenever you notice some symptoms of bleeding hemmroids, you should consult your physician for immediate treatment. Early treatment will give you early relief from the pains and discomfort of bleeding hemmroid. Never take for granted blood occurrence in the stool. It may be due to bleeding hemmroids.

12:21 AM

Hemmroid Symptoms

Hemmroid symptoms are numerous but others are very common. Hemmroids usually are not dangerous or life threatening. And in most cases, symptoms of hemmroid will go away within a few days. Although lots people have hemmroids, not all of them experience hemmroid symptoms. While hemmroids may not be life-threatening, living with hemmroids can be uncomfortable and downright painful and embarrassing one.

The magnitude of discomfort depends on how serious your hemmroids are, but regardless of the severity, it is wise to deal and consult with the problem immediately. So here’s a list of common hemmroid symptoms for you to notice if you have it or not. So that you can treat hemmroid as early as they will not come to worse.

Hemmroid Symptoms:

    Anal ache or pain, especially while sitting.

    Presence of bright red blood on toilet tissue, stool, or in the toilet bowl.

    Feeling of obstruction caused by swollen veins in the anus and pain during bowel movements.

    One or more hard tender lumps near the anus.

    Swollen veins and protruding lumps inside and hanging around the anus.

    Anal itching and inflammation of the anus.

In addition, excessive straining, rubbing, or cleaning around the anus may cause irritation with bleeding and/or itching, which may produce a vicious cycle of hemmroid symptoms.

But just in case there is no pain or discomfort, how do you know you have hemmroids? In most cases, there is bleeding and any blood in the stools or toilet tissue, you should immediately be referred to a doctor so that you will be diagnosed properly for having hemmroids or not. You need to have this checked to rule out the possibility of bleeding if it is one of hemmroid symptoms.

11:25 PM

Hemmroid and Hemmroids Relief

Hemmroid and Hemmroids Relief picHemrroid relief plays a very big role in easing the pain of hemmroids, specially when the pain gets so stubborn and then starts to bleed. Home remedies for hemmroid relief such as creams, suppositories and warm baths may offer temporary relief from the symptoms of hemmroid. Normally consumption of any laxative or stool softeners may give relief from the strained bowel movements. Fiber also retains water and adds to the bulk, softness, and weight of stool - all factors in easing strain. Good sources of fiber include apples, bananas, baked beans, cooked broccoli, cabbage and carrots, canned com, fresh peaches, cooked peas, pears, strawberries, and cereals. . A low-fiber diet or inadequate fluid intake causes constipation that may encourage straining during bowel movement, or aggravate the hemmroids by producing hard stools that further irritate the swollen veins thus requires hemmroids relief for those who are suffering.

Suffering from hemmroid is an extremely painful experience thus citing few hemmroid relief to those who suffered. The following are few natural hemmroids relief, home remedies that will help relieve the pain your hemmroid has given you.
    Warm bath. This is a self-treatment remedy you can apply by yourself and one of the easiest home remedies for hemmroids relief. Sitting in warm water for about 10 minutes, 3-4 times a day can help relieve the pain and reduce the swelling of hemmroid.

    Ice Packs: You can use ice packs for temporary hemmroid relief. This can be used to numb the area and is a natural type of hemmroid pain relief for those who wish to avoid painkillers. Ice packs also help reduce the swelling of hemmroids.

    Fibrous Diet. These helps the body produce soft, regular bowel movements thus alleviate hemmroid pain Having a fibrous diet helps you to get hemmroid relief to a certain extent as this diet strengthens the veins and ensures smooth bowel movement.

    Drink Water: Drinking water is also used for hemmroids relief. Drinking more water helps make your stool softer. This in turn makes it easier to pass motion without bowel constipation and straining thus creating more pain and irritation to your hemmroid.

    Loose Undergarments. It is advisable to use loose undergarments which will offer you comfort. Tight fitting undergarments can create pressure on your hemmroids resulting to pain and discomfort.

    Moist Toilet Wipes: Using moist wipes to clean the area instead of dry toilet paper can help ease pain and irritation of hemmroid.

However, if above hemmroid relief does not work for you, you can seek for professional medical treatment to end up your pain and discomfort for good.

9:24 PM

Hemmroid and Hemmroids Treatment

Hemmroid and Hemmroids Treatment picHemmroid treatments are aimed to relieve pain and discomfort suffered by an individual. There are many natural hemmroids treatment that requires simple steps which you can do on your own, and are also very effective way to ease discomfort. These treatments of hemmroids includes herbal and homeopathic remedies which contain natural ingredients and are gentle to use.

There are also various hemmroid treatments prescription drugs as well as over-the-counter medicines that are now instantly available to sooth pain. There are alternative therapies for Hemmroid treatment that can give you safe and long lasting results. These includes dietary supplement, home made remedies, homoeopathic and herbal medicines. But of course, doctors would recommend the right hemmroids medication treatment such as ointments, pads and creams when the need arises. Doctors may also recommend rubber band litigation, sclerotherapy, surgery, and stapling for other cases wherein the hemmroid is too painful to bear or are persistently bleeding.

But if hemmroid pain is just bearable you can try these following hemmroid treatments that you can practice at home to keep your hemmroid from getting worse.

Bathe in a warm tub of plain water for about ten minutes to soothe and ease the pain and discomfort. Warm baths are excellent way to accomplish hemmroid relief. It 's best if you can soak in the warm water several times a day. It provides immediate relief from pain and itching, increased blood flow to the area that will accelerate healing and clothing and to reduce pressure on the anal area.

Application of a hemmroidal cream or suppository to the affected area for a limited time

Try not to sit or stand for a long period of time when hemmroids are irritated, or try to sit with pillow if you cannot have short breaks to stand. Avoid lifting heavy objects.

Wear loose cotton underwear to prevent moisture buildup, which can irritate hemmroid.

Be gentle while cleaning and use moist wipes and don’t scratch if you feel itch.

Try to lose weight. If you're overweight, it could be one contributing factor to your hemmroid. Losing weight and being more active will provide lasting hemmroid relief. Reduce your salt intake as much as possible.

Take plenty of liquids in your daily diet. As much as possible take a minimum of 7 to 9 glasses of water a day. If any one is having bowel disorders this can lead to Hemmroids. Because of this many prominent people and physicians stress the importance of taking much water for rapid recovery.

Include fiber in your everyday meal. These helps the body produce soft, regular bowel movements thus alleviate hemmroid pain.

There are many ways how to treat hemmroid. But the process of hemmroid treatment is not a fun one, but as long as you take the issue seriously and get yourself hemmroids treatment as soon as possible, then you should be able to relieve yourself of the condition promptly. If you try several methods of hemmroid treatments and have no success, then you will have to discuss with your doctor an alternative treatment for hemmroids and more serious options.