Hemmroids, most commonly known as Hemorrhoids (the proper term) are abnormally large sacs of varicose veins, tissue and mucous membranes in the rectum. Hemmroids is also one of the most common anorectal disorders affecting approximately 5% of the entire population. So that's about 336 million people suffering from hemmroids as of September 2008.

Hemmroid's most common symptoms are : Presence of blood in the stool, Feeling of obstruction caused by swollen veins in the anus, Protruding lumps hanging from the anus, Itching and inflammation around the anus.

Hemmroid causes : includes long periods of sitting or standing, lifting heavy objects, dehydration, obesity and lack of exercise, but without a doubt the largest factor is constipation and straining during defecation which resulted from poor eating habits and diet. Hemmroids often develop during pregnancy because of the pressure the fetus exerts in the abdominal area, as well as the hormonal changes that cause the veins to enlarge. Stress is another cause of hemmroid.

Hemmroid Diagnosis/Test : It is diagnosed based on a rectal examination. To diagnose internal hemmroids, the doctor will insert an anoscope , a thin, lighted tube to view the lower rectum. A colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy may also be performed to examine the inside of the colon and rule out any other causes of bleeding.

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Bleeding Hemmroids

BleedingHemmroidsorHemmroidBleeding picBleeding Hemmroids can be either internal or external hemmroid and it is considered to be the most terrible form of Hemmroids. For those who suffer from bleeding hemmroids for the first time, it can be a scary and bloody experience. Therefore, whenever you experience rectal bleeding, it is recommended to be evaluated by a qualified physician and given prompt treatment before the condition becomes worse.

Bleeding hemmroids is caused by blockage of blood in the rectal area. The veins found in the rectal area started to get enlarge and reach to a point wherein they can no longer resist the pressure of the blocked blood thus resulted to oozing of fresh red blood in the stools, in the toilet bowl and toilet paper. Because when you sit, the veins is pressed that is why you experience pain in the rectum. This pressure on the veins will results to a bleeding hemmroid.

Constipation and straining are main causes of bleeding hemmroids. This becomes worse when passing a very large and hard stool resulted to bleeding due to scraping when hard stool is being forced out. Whenever you notice red streaks in the stool, you must consult your physician to get it clinically investigated.

Both internal and external bleeding hemmroid respond to home treatments you can do on your own. Go for a long walk everyday and have extra physical exercise. Increase the fiber content in your diet and make sure your diet includes vegetables, especially a lot of greens and fruits - remember, whole fruits, not just the juice . Taking a fibrous diet helps in reducing constipation and may give you temporary relief from bleeding hemmroids. Make it a habit to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Do not lift heavy objects because this will worsen the condition.

Whenever you notice some symptoms of bleeding hemmroids, you should consult your physician for immediate treatment. Early treatment will give you early relief from the pains and discomfort of bleeding hemmroid. Never take for granted blood occurrence in the stool. It may be due to bleeding hemmroids.