Hemmroids, most commonly known as Hemorrhoids (the proper term) are abnormally large sacs of varicose veins, tissue and mucous membranes in the rectum. Hemmroids is also one of the most common anorectal disorders affecting approximately 5% of the entire population. So that's about 336 million people suffering from hemmroids as of September 2008.

Hemmroid's most common symptoms are : Presence of blood in the stool, Feeling of obstruction caused by swollen veins in the anus, Protruding lumps hanging from the anus, Itching and inflammation around the anus.

Hemmroid causes : includes long periods of sitting or standing, lifting heavy objects, dehydration, obesity and lack of exercise, but without a doubt the largest factor is constipation and straining during defecation which resulted from poor eating habits and diet. Hemmroids often develop during pregnancy because of the pressure the fetus exerts in the abdominal area, as well as the hormonal changes that cause the veins to enlarge. Stress is another cause of hemmroid.

Hemmroid Diagnosis/Test : It is diagnosed based on a rectal examination. To diagnose internal hemmroids, the doctor will insert an anoscope , a thin, lighted tube to view the lower rectum. A colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy may also be performed to examine the inside of the colon and rule out any other causes of bleeding.

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Hemmroid Cure

hemmroid|hemmroids cure picHemmroid cure is the very first thing that pops into peoples head whenever symptoms of hemmroids starts showing. Their first thought is to find the best, famous and tested hemmroid cure and treatment. Although it is known that there are number of reasons which triggers painful hemmroid attacks, it is not totally understood why hemmroids enlarged or descend. Constipation may be considered the main cause of the formation of hemmroids. Other known causes includes pregnancy, poor fiber intake, prolonged sitting and straining, dehydration and lack of physical exercise, obesity. The majority of people who experienced hemmroid attacks is within the peak age of 45 to 65.

Most Hemmroid cure and treatments call for simple steps you can do on your own. But of course, doctors would recommend the right medication or procedures when the need arises. Also, the length of the treatment and hemmroid cure depends on the size and severity of the hemmroid.

The best hemmroid cure done at home should include a combination of remedies. At the onset of external bleeding or pain, you should address the external and internal cause of the attack for the best and quickest cure.

Hemmroid cure for starters, you should increase your water intake for 6-8 glasses a day and should increase fibrous food in your diet. Fibers in food retains water and adds to the bulk, softness, and weight of stool - all factors in easing strain. Good sources of fiber include apples, bananas, baked beans, cooked broccoli, cabbage and carrots, canned com, fresh peaches, cooked peas, pears, strawberries, and cereals. Along with this increase you should ingest a stool softener or herbal home remedy.

Using pads or wipes that are medicated are the best and most immediate relief after a defecating. For hemmroids that are causing mild discomfort, ointments, pads, and creams will do. Anti-inflammatory agents with hydrocortisone can also be recommended.

When hemmroid cure such as herbal remedies and homes treatments fail to cure or even alleviate bleeding, pain, and swelling associated with a hemmroid attack, it may be best to consider seeking more serious medical means of hemmroid cures by consulting a physician. Prescription medicines, and several medical procedures such as surgery might be suggested.