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Hemmroids|Hemmroid |
What are Hemmroids
Diagnosis for Hemmroids
Causes of Hemmroids
Hemmroid Symptoms
Hemmroid Relief
Hemmroid Treatment
Hemmroid Surgery
Hemmroids are abnormally large sacs of varicose veins, tissue and mucous membranes in the rectum. Hemmroids may also refer to small lumps that occur in the anus and lower part of the rectum as a result of swelling of the veins within the rectum. It is dilated or bulging veins of the rectum and anus, caused by increased pressure in the rectal veins which are develop either inside the anus, called internal hemmoroids, or under the skin around the anus, called external hemmoroids. Hemmroids in most cases is not considered a serious condition, but they can become a problem if they swell and protrude -- come out of the rectum to the outside of the anus and become irritated causing itching and bleeding.
Diagnosis of hemmroid begins at home with noticing any inconsistencies or symptoms associated with hemmroids, and ends with a comprehensive, medical evaluation. During a physical assessment for hemmroids, physicians examine the anal area to receive a definitive diagnosis.
Diagnosing hemmroids may include:
Diagnosing hemmroids may include:
• physical examination - to examine the anus and rectum and look for swollen blood vessels that indicate hemorrhoids
• digital rectum examination - the physical inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum to check for abnormalities.
• anoscopy - a hollow, lighted tube useful for viewing internal hemorrhoids is inserted into the anus.
• proctoscopy - a lighted tube, which allows the physician to completely examine the entire rectum, is inserted into the anus.
• sigmoidoscopy - a diagnostic procedure that allows the physician to examine the inside of a portion of the large intestine, and is helpful in identifying the causes of diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, abnormal growths, and bleeding. A short, flexible, lighted tube, called a sigmoidoscope, is inserted into the intestine through the rectum. The scope blows air into the intestine to inflate it and make viewing the inside easier.
• colonoscopy - a procedure that allows the physician to view the entire length of the large intestine, and can often help identify abnormal growths, inflamed tissue, ulcers, and bleeding. It involves inserting a colonoscope, a long, flexible, lighted tube, in through the rectum up into the colon. The colonoscope allows the physician to see the lining of the colon, remove tissue for further examination, and possibly treat some problems that are discovered.
Hemmroid causes are mostly attributed to physical dealing during defecation and may also be attributed to food intakes. Hemmroids are engorged veins in the rectal area and can develop through any increase in pressure in the veins on the lower rectum. Hemmroids are very common, but it is not exactly known how many people do have it, because often they do not know the hemmroid causes and symptoms. Although we know that people between the ages of 45 and 50 are mostly prone to hemmroid problems.
Hemmroids result from increased pressure in the veins of the anus. The pressure causes the veins to bulge and expand, making them painful, particularly when you are sitting because hemmroids are pressed. Hemmroid causes are mostly attributed by the increased pressure in the abdomen. Straining during bowel movement at the time of defecation also increases the chances of having hemmroids. Obesity, frequent constipation, and pressure of the fetus in pregnant women are also common to cause hemmroids.
In order to avoid or to reduce the pain contributed by hemmroids, it is best to know the causes of hemmroids for you to be aware and have precautions as well. Most common causes of hemmroids includes:
Hemmroids result from increased pressure in the veins of the anus. The pressure causes the veins to bulge and expand, making them painful, particularly when you are sitting because hemmroids are pressed. Hemmroid causes are mostly attributed by the increased pressure in the abdomen. Straining during bowel movement at the time of defecation also increases the chances of having hemmroids. Obesity, frequent constipation, and pressure of the fetus in pregnant women are also common to cause hemmroids.
In order to avoid or to reduce the pain contributed by hemmroids, it is best to know the causes of hemmroids for you to be aware and have precautions as well. Most common causes of hemmroids includes:
• Poor intake of dietary fiber that results to constipation as one major causes of hemmroids.
• Poor intake of water or fluids also results to hard stool or constipation, as one major causes of hemmroids.
• Chronic constipation
• Straining during bowel movements
• Diarrhea and the continuous expulsion of loose stools thus can irritate the walls of the veins, thus causes hemmroids.
• Fecal straining
• Age specially at 45-60
• Pregnancy and child birth
• Lack of regular exercise
• Lack of physical and body movement
• Sitting or standing for a long time, especially sitting on the toilet waiting for the urge
Other Causes of hemmroids may also include:
• Genetic predisposition
• Pressure and strain due to standing for long periods
• Lifting objects that are too heavy
• Vomiting
• Coughing
• Sneezing
Hemmroids Symptoms may vary from person to another, and usually depends on what type of hemmroid and where it is located. Although many people have hemmroids, not all of them experienced symptoms of hemmroids.
For some, hemmroid is quite an embarrassing topic to discuss, it is also a very common issue that is untold. At age 50, about half of adults have had to deal with the uncomfortable feeling of itching, bleeding and pain which are the common symptoms of hemmroids. But good to know, that there are now many available effective hemeriod treatments existing in our market, and for some only requires basic home remedies to get rid of hemmroid symptoms.
In case there is no hemmroids symptoms such as pain or discomfort experienced, how will you know you have hemmroids? In most cases, bleeding or spotting of any blood in the stools or toilet tissue should immediately be referred to a doctor so the condition will be diagnosed properly. You need to have this checked to rule out the possibility of hemmroid symptoms.
Hemmroids symptoms usually disappears after a few days.
• Hemmroids symptoms of Internal hemeriods. These hemmroids develops in the deeper portion of the anal canal and rectum where there are few nerve endings, the main reason why you mostly can't see or feel these hemeriods. The presence of blood on toilet paper or in the bowl during bowel movement is a common hemmroid symptoms. And because internal anal membranes lack pain-sensitive nerve fibers, these hemmroids usually don't cause discomfort. But because of straining or irritation from passing stool that can injure a hemmroids delicate surface thus causes it to bleed. Occasionally, straining can push an internal hemmroid through the anal opening. If a hemmroid remains displaced, it can cause pain and irritation. Rectal Bleeding and pain are most complained about. Internal hemmroid can be extremely painful, as they often protrude and can become thrombosed, or clotted. Another hemmroids symptom of internal hemmroids is the occurrence of mucus just like the occurrence of blood in your stool.
• Hemmroids symptoms of External hemmroids. These external hemmroids appears on the outer rim of the anus and are usually the most uncomfortable hemmroids condition. These usually tend to be painful. Sometimes blood may pool in an external hemmroids and form a clot, causing severe pain, swelling and inflammation. Most common hemmroid symptoms of external hemmroids are itching, burning, and irritation. Streaks of blood may also appear on toilet paper after straining during bowel movements. You may also find it difficult to thoroughly cleanse the anal area.
Hemmroids symptoms for both internal hemmroids and external hemmroids are:
For some, hemmroid is quite an embarrassing topic to discuss, it is also a very common issue that is untold. At age 50, about half of adults have had to deal with the uncomfortable feeling of itching, bleeding and pain which are the common symptoms of hemmroids. But good to know, that there are now many available effective hemeriod treatments existing in our market, and for some only requires basic home remedies to get rid of hemmroid symptoms.
In case there is no hemmroids symptoms such as pain or discomfort experienced, how will you know you have hemmroids? In most cases, bleeding or spotting of any blood in the stools or toilet tissue should immediately be referred to a doctor so the condition will be diagnosed properly. You need to have this checked to rule out the possibility of hemmroid symptoms.
Hemmroids symptoms usually disappears after a few days.
• Hemmroids symptoms of Internal hemeriods. These hemmroids develops in the deeper portion of the anal canal and rectum where there are few nerve endings, the main reason why you mostly can't see or feel these hemeriods. The presence of blood on toilet paper or in the bowl during bowel movement is a common hemmroid symptoms. And because internal anal membranes lack pain-sensitive nerve fibers, these hemmroids usually don't cause discomfort. But because of straining or irritation from passing stool that can injure a hemmroids delicate surface thus causes it to bleed. Occasionally, straining can push an internal hemmroid through the anal opening. If a hemmroid remains displaced, it can cause pain and irritation. Rectal Bleeding and pain are most complained about. Internal hemmroid can be extremely painful, as they often protrude and can become thrombosed, or clotted. Another hemmroids symptom of internal hemmroids is the occurrence of mucus just like the occurrence of blood in your stool.
• Hemmroids symptoms of External hemmroids. These external hemmroids appears on the outer rim of the anus and are usually the most uncomfortable hemmroids condition. These usually tend to be painful. Sometimes blood may pool in an external hemmroids and form a clot, causing severe pain, swelling and inflammation. Most common hemmroid symptoms of external hemmroids are itching, burning, and irritation. Streaks of blood may also appear on toilet paper after straining during bowel movements. You may also find it difficult to thoroughly cleanse the anal area.
Hemmroids symptoms for both internal hemmroids and external hemmroids are:
• Bleeding during bowel movements and the appearance of bright red blood on toilet paper after you strain to have a bowel movement is the number one hemmroid symptoms.
• Itching and burning are another hemmroids symptoms.
• The feeling of pain and swellings while cleaning your rectal area are also most common hemmroids symptoms.
Early recognition of hemmroids symptoms should be given importance to come up with early hemmroid treatment.
Hemmroid relief is aimed mainly to reduce the pain experienced by people who are affected by hemmroids. Although majority of hemmroid cases does not require any hemmroid treatment, unless they become very painful and starts bleeding. Normally, consumption of any laxative or stool softeners may give hemmroid relief from the strained bowel movements. However severe and bleeding hemmroids requires intensive hemmroid treatments to avoid further discomfort and pain
When talking about how to deal with your hemmroid flareups, there are several basic options which can give you good hemmroid relief. You can either choose to go with more conventional methods of hemmroid treatment, which would include prescription medications and medicines, or you can go the opposite route, and opt to use all natural or herbal products for hemmroid relief.
Although most hemmroids heal on their own without high level hemmroid treatments, there are some things you can do to speed up the healing process and spare yourself from long hemmroid suffering. For chronic hemmroid sufferers, the following may help you reduce the symptoms of hemmroids and offers you hemmroid relief.
When talking about how to deal with your hemmroid flareups, there are several basic options which can give you good hemmroid relief. You can either choose to go with more conventional methods of hemmroid treatment, which would include prescription medications and medicines, or you can go the opposite route, and opt to use all natural or herbal products for hemmroid relief.
Although most hemmroids heal on their own without high level hemmroid treatments, there are some things you can do to speed up the healing process and spare yourself from long hemmroid suffering. For chronic hemmroid sufferers, the following may help you reduce the symptoms of hemmroids and offers you hemmroid relief.
• Apply hemmroid creams. There are various over-the-counter hemmroid creams containing witch hazel, hydrocortisone or other anti-inflammatory agents that can help reduce swelling and offers hemmroid relief to those who are badly suffering from hemmroids. Hemmroid cream usually contains active ingredients that go directly to the main problem thus providing immediate soothing hemmroid relief.
• Moist wipes. Wiping with moist wipes or moist toilet pads can also reduce and prevent continued irritation of the rectal area thus gives hemmroid relief.
• Applying petroleum jelly or aloe vera gel to the anal area also gives hemmroid relief
• Sitz bath. Soaking in a tub of warm water regularly for about 10 minutes to 15 minutes can help reduce swelling and decrease pain and discomfort.
• Apply Ice on it. Apply a cold compress or an icepack to the affected area can cause hemmroid tissue to numb thus can help reduce the swelling and offers you hemmroid relief.
• Keep the anal area clean. Bathe or shower daily to cleanse the skin around your anus gently with warm water. Soap isn't necessary because it may aggravate the hemmroids problem. Gently drying the area with a hair dryer after bathing can minimize moisture, which can cause irritation
• Zinc oxide lotion. Many people find kind of lotion such as that in diaper rash medicines, to be very relieving and offers effective hemmroid relief. They’ll help reduce the pain and swelling very quickly.
• Aerosol treatments are also good with their numbing properties.
• Take oral medications. You can use acetaminophen, aspirin or ibuprofen for temporary hemmroid relief.
• You will also want to make sure you’re patting down the rectal area instead of wiping and rubbing it after going to the toilet. Unscented baby wipes are highly recommended because they are mild and easy on your skin.
There are also various local and alternative treatments to achieve better hemmroid relief which are available for either external and internal hemmroids. Examples are specific fiber rich diets, herbal ointments and preparations in addition to acupuncture and homoeopathic treatments for immediate hemmroids relief.
Another common treatment for hemmroid relief especially for large internal hemmroids that do not respond to injection is to tie them with rubber bands that make the veins to wither off without pains. Usually this is done one hemmroid at a time and repeated once a fortnight. Alternatively the internal hemmroid may also be treated by a laser or electrical current. All of these are basically recommended to give hemmroid relief for those who suffer greatly on hemmroids
Failure to prevent hemmroids from getting worse or give any hemmroid relief will result in to a need for outpatient surgery for most severe hemmroids cases. Normally surgical intervention is made only if all other hemmroid treatments fail to give any relief for those who suffer because surgery causes severe pain, and new techniques are still being investigated for pain free removal. And any occurrence of bleeding may be a sign of something more serious and should be checked by physician as soon as possible for immediate hemmroid treatment.
Another common treatment for hemmroid relief especially for large internal hemmroids that do not respond to injection is to tie them with rubber bands that make the veins to wither off without pains. Usually this is done one hemmroid at a time and repeated once a fortnight. Alternatively the internal hemmroid may also be treated by a laser or electrical current. All of these are basically recommended to give hemmroid relief for those who suffer greatly on hemmroids
Failure to prevent hemmroids from getting worse or give any hemmroid relief will result in to a need for outpatient surgery for most severe hemmroids cases. Normally surgical intervention is made only if all other hemmroid treatments fail to give any relief for those who suffer because surgery causes severe pain, and new techniques are still being investigated for pain free removal. And any occurrence of bleeding may be a sign of something more serious and should be checked by physician as soon as possible for immediate hemmroid treatment.
Hemmroid treatments are aimed to relieve pain and discomfort suffered by an individual. There are many natural hemmroids treatment that requires simple steps which you can do on your own, and are also very effective way to ease discomfort. These treatments of hemmroids includes herbal and homeopathic remedies which contain natural ingredients and are gentle to use.
Hemmroid Treatment should be given first priority if you already notice some hemmroid symptoms in order give quick relief and recovery, and to avoid discomfort and other problems and complications associated with hemmroids. This uncomfortable problem involves swelling of the veins of the rectum and anus. This is because veins in the rectal area becomes overloaded with blood and that leads the walls to stretch thus resulting to bleeding, pain, itching and burning feeling- therefore immediate hemmroid treatments are highly recommended.
There are also various hemmroid treatments prescription drugs as well as over-the-counter medicines that are now instantly available to sooth pain. There are alternative therapies for Hemmroid treatment that can give you safe and long lasting results. These includes dietary supplement, home made remedies, homoeopathic and herbal medicines. But of course, doctors would recommend the right hemmroids medication treatment such as ointments, pads and creams when the need arises. Doctors may also recommend rubber band litigation, sclerotherapy, surgery, and stapling for other cases wherein the hemmroid is too painful to bear or are persistently bleeding.
Even without hemmroid treatment applied, hemmroids sometimes may heal on their own but there are also some things you can do to speed up the healing process and spare yourself from long suffering of hemmroids. You can try these following Hemmroid treatments which you can perform at home and may help keep your hemmroids from getting worse:
Hemmroid Treatment should be given first priority if you already notice some hemmroid symptoms in order give quick relief and recovery, and to avoid discomfort and other problems and complications associated with hemmroids. This uncomfortable problem involves swelling of the veins of the rectum and anus. This is because veins in the rectal area becomes overloaded with blood and that leads the walls to stretch thus resulting to bleeding, pain, itching and burning feeling- therefore immediate hemmroid treatments are highly recommended.
There are also various hemmroid treatments prescription drugs as well as over-the-counter medicines that are now instantly available to sooth pain. There are alternative therapies for Hemmroid treatment that can give you safe and long lasting results. These includes dietary supplement, home made remedies, homoeopathic and herbal medicines. But of course, doctors would recommend the right hemmroids medication treatment such as ointments, pads and creams when the need arises. Doctors may also recommend rubber band litigation, sclerotherapy, surgery, and stapling for other cases wherein the hemmroid is too painful to bear or are persistently bleeding.
Even without hemmroid treatment applied, hemmroids sometimes may heal on their own but there are also some things you can do to speed up the healing process and spare yourself from long suffering of hemmroids. You can try these following Hemmroid treatments which you can perform at home and may help keep your hemmroids from getting worse:
• Apply Hemmroid Cream: Over-the-counter hemmroid cream or corticosteroid creams and wipes containing witch hazel and other anti-inflammatory agents can help reduce pain and swelling. Wiping with moist wipes can also prevent continued irritation of the rectal area while having your hemmroid treatment.
• Take a bath: One of the most common hemmroid treatment is soaking in a tub of warm water for about 10 minutes to 15 minutes can help reduce swelling and decrease pain. Warm baths are excellent way to accomplish hemmroid relief. It 's best if you can soak in the warm water several times a day. It provide immediate relief from pain and itching, increased blood flow to the area that will accelerate healing and clothing and to reduce pressure on the anal area.
• Take plenty of liquids in your daily diet. As much as possible take a minimum of 7 to 9 glasses of water a day. If any one is having bowel disorders this can lead to hemmroids. Because of this many prominent people and physicians stress the importance of taking much water for rapid recovery as one your hemmroid treatment. Try to lose weight. If you're overweight, it could be one contributing factor to your hemmroid.
• Losing weight and being more active will provide hemmroid treatment. Reduce your salt intake as much as possible.
• Try not to sit or stand for a long period. Or try to sit with pillow if you cannot have short breaks to stand. And avoid lifting heavy objects while your doing your hemmroid treatment.
However, if the above hemmroids treatment does not alleviate your pain and swelling , it is more recommended to seek for physicians advice for proper hemmroids treatment. The process of hemmroid treatment is not a fun one, but as long as you take the issue seriously and get yourself hemmroids treatment as soon as possible, then you should be able to relieve yourself of the condition promptly.
Hemmroid Surgery may become highly recommended and very necessary if the hemmroids becomes very enlarged, protrude from the anus , bleed frequently, or contain blood clots, severe, chronic and all other hemmroid treatments were unsuccessful. Your last resort for short.
A number of hemmroid surgery methods may be used to remove or reduce the size of such hemmroids. Common practitioners will apply hemmroids surgery and other form of hemmroid treatment in such worst cases. These hemmroid surgery includes:
A number of hemmroid surgery methods may be used to remove or reduce the size of such hemmroids. Common practitioners will apply hemmroids surgery and other form of hemmroid treatment in such worst cases. These hemmroid surgery includes:
• Hemorrhoidectomy. This kind of hemmroid surgery is commonly reserved for permanently prolapsed or protruding hemmmeroids, these are anal surgeries that are carried out under anesthesia and may require hospitalization after the process. When the hemmroid becomes too large and is already protruding out of the anus all the time, it might be a right time and necessarily be cut off through a hemmroids surgery process called hemmroidectomy. In some cases it might not mean actual cutting off of pieces of hemmroids tissue from the anal walls, but just merely dissecting the swollen hemmroid to remove clotted blood and puss so that the hemmroid can eventually "dry" up with the help of other medication such as ointments and suppositories. Internal hemmroids usually can be destroyed by injecting them with a chemical substance, this is necessary if internal hemmroids are prolapsed or very large.
• Coagulation. This kind of hemmroid surgery is considered best for hemmroids that are still in its smaller shape. It involves the process of burning of hemeriods with the help of electric current or infrared light to burn off or shrivel the hemmroid tissue. Continuous hemmroid treatment results in shrinkage and disappearance of hemmroids.
• Rubber Band Ligation. Any qualified medical practitioner uses a rubber band to tie off the hemmroids at the root so that they wither off and die. By its very nature, this hemmroid surgery method of treatment cannot be applied in the early stages of the hemeroid since the hemmroids are still tiny. It is best suited for hemmreoids that are already hanging out of the anus, or those that are seen and felt as big lumps outside the anal opening. This procedure is based on the fact that hemmroid thrive on regular blood supply. Therefore, if the blood supply is cut off, by tying the vessels that carry blood to the lumpy hemmroids, then this shortage and absence of this blood supply will see to it that the hemmroid will "starve to death", but it takes a couple of weeks for the area to completely heal. This procedure is usually painful and may cause bleeding and because there are no nerve endings in the rectum, no anesthesia is necessary on this kind of hemmroid surgery.
• Sclerotherapy. In sclerotherapy, a chemical solution or substance are injected around the blood vessel to shrink and destroy the hemmroidal tissue.
Hemmroid Surgery causes severe pain and new techniques are still being investigated for pain free removal of hemmroids. Depending on the severity of your hemmroid case, hemmroid surgery may be performed by giving local or general anesthesia, the healing takes place after a period of 3 to 4 weeks. However one disadvantage reported by some patients who undergone surgery is that even hemmroid surgeries cannot assure that hemmroids won't return after the hemmroid removal.
Therefore, for you to not experience the pain of hemmroid surgery only to find out it will just reoccur, it is best for you to have it prevented before it becomes worst. Make it a habit to add fibrous foods and fruits in your daily diet. Increase your fluid intake, a minimum of 8 glasses a day will do to avoid constipation as one of the major cause of hemmroid.
It is best recommend that hemmroid surgery be used only as your last line of defense against hemmroid because most hemmeriods can be treated and cured with self treatments and other home remedies. But for hemmroids which did not respond to non-surgical treatments... hemmroid surgery is advised.
Therefore, for you to not experience the pain of hemmroid surgery only to find out it will just reoccur, it is best for you to have it prevented before it becomes worst. Make it a habit to add fibrous foods and fruits in your daily diet. Increase your fluid intake, a minimum of 8 glasses a day will do to avoid constipation as one of the major cause of hemmroid.
It is best recommend that hemmroid surgery be used only as your last line of defense against hemmroid because most hemmeriods can be treated and cured with self treatments and other home remedies. But for hemmroids which did not respond to non-surgical treatments... hemmroid surgery is advised.
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